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JoinedPosts by Esse quam videri
Analysis of Brooklyn Eagle Articles related to Miracle Wheat
by ILoveTTATT2 inthis article appeared in the september 22, 1911 brooklyn eagle.
notice the "general counsel".
church a salesroom for 'miracle' wheat at $60 per bushel .
A useful MacDonald's advert in Taiwan teaching tolerance attacked by religious bigots
by fulltimestudent in
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Simon '... don't know if I know any gay people...'
That says it all. Probably most people don't even know a homosexual or if they are homosexual. BUT they still insist on being extremely vocal about it. In Vancouver they have an annual Gay Pride Parade with 600,000 attending to watch. Sure, bring the kiddies with you and make a day of it. It's a parade. Parents bringing children. Sheesh!
And how does pride enter the vocabulary here? Gay? As one old timer said on a radio station, " I don't see what's so gay about a man putting his penis in another man's bottom." Every second show on TV has to bring homosexuality into it. [Sorry, can't bring myself to use the word 'gay' to describe the relationship. Well, no, I'm not sorry.] And stop painting my side walk crossings with rainbow colours.
I get what they're doing. I get it!
And leave my politicians alone. They have better things to do. Leave them alone!
And leave my country alone.
Leave it alone.
Any weapons enthusiasts here?
by Wonderment ini knew i had a couple of firearms around the house, and one in the car.
however, i didn't realize i had seven, yes, seven of them, when i proceeded to count them.
the reason for that is that i haven't gone to the shooting range in years.
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I have long rifle and handguns. Well hidden. Very well hidden.
Heck, sometimes I forget where I even hid them.
The "most honest people" on earth....?
by stuckinarut2 inhave we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?.
"jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc".
while it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?.
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Iown Mylife ' ... But aren't you supposed to be able to trust the most honest people on EARTH? By cracky I paid all my debts, sometimes it took longer than it should've. But they are PAID...'
You can say that again,'by cracky'!
Canada zone visit March 2016
by Richard_I incanada's getting a zone visit in march 2016, but no mention of who's doing the visit.
praying it's anthony morris and we get our own tight pants talk.
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Canada's getting a zone visit in March 2016, but no mention of who's doing the visit. Praying it's Anthony Morris and we get our own tight pants talk.
It is to be remembered that talks from the Governing Body generally concentrate on local issues when they visit other countries. In Canada it is possible that Anthony Morris lll is preparing a talk warning of ' the dangers of tight Mukluk's '. -
Another Galling WT Study
by Nicholaus Kopernicus injanuary 2016 watchtower (study edition).
be determined to “let your brotherly love continue”!.
this article was easy to read.
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18. How can we strengthen our brotherly love for our elders? 18 “Remember those who are taking the lead.” (Read Hebrews 13:7, 17.) When we think about the hard work that our elders do for us—all without financial reward—our brotherly love and feelings of appreciation for them are strengthened. Never would we want them to lose their joy or to sigh because of something we do. Rather, by our obedience and submission, we “give them extraordinary consideration in love because of their work.”—1 Thess. 5:13
JW: So GB brothers, I see that you would not want the elders to lose joy or sigh because of something you do. Is that correct?
GB: Well, yes.
JW: So then, if the elders lose joy and sigh because of something you do, does that mean you are going to stop doing it?
GB: No! No! Not at all!
JW: Could you explain that answer please?
GB: Well, we are not going to change what we do. It's just that we don't want the elders to lose joy and sigh because of what we do. It's very simple. If the elders lose joy and sigh, they will have to examine themselves and make whatever corrections are necessary so as not to lose joy and sigh. An adjustment in their thinking may be necessary. In fact, an adjustment in the thinking of all JW's is necessary at times. Except ours, of course.
The "most honest people" on earth....?
by stuckinarut2 inhave we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?.
"jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc".
while it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?.
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punkofnice '...They also say the happiest people on earth...'
It's ' happiestest people on earth'. Sheesh! Do I have to correct everyone?
Evolution is a Fact #27 - Monkeys, Typewriters, Shakespeare, 747s etc.
by cofty inmost creationist arguments can be summarised as "complexity, complexity, complexity - therefore god".
we have all heard the illustrations about the odds of (insert favourite example) evolving, being less than 10,000 monkeys typing macbeth by pure chance.
evolution is not like that.
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cofty ' ...The difference is really simple. The gene responsible for the change is the SWS opsin gene that we mentioned in the previous thread...'
We? -
The "most honest people" on earth....?
by stuckinarut2 inhave we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?.
"jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc".
while it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?.
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megaboy ' ... Its not really the same as a car salesman, as its more so how it is said to you than what is said (or in this case written) that you should be weary of..."
Are you saying that JW's are the most honest car salesmen in the world?
The "most honest people" on earth....?
by stuckinarut2 inhave we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?.
"jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc".
while it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?.
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In keeping with Tony Morris lll speak, [we are the thinkingest people in the world] would it not be more correct to call JW's the 'most honestest people in the world"?